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  • Manage rooms with Education Cloud Service

Manage rooms with Education Cloud Service

Last updated:2022-04-27 10:22

To make your product development easier, ZEGO provides the Education Cloud Service to help you manage your rooms, so you don't have to build a room management system yourself, and you only need to implement a user management system to complete your core business features.

Based on the Education Cloud Service, you only need to maintain the room list of your business; when your application applies to join the room, if the room is not created, call the Education Cloud API to create the room and return the room information to the application; if the room has been created, you can call The education cloud API queries the room information and returns it to the application.

The following system architecture diagram shows how your app can work with the RoomKit SDK, RoomKit Backend, and the Education Cloud Service.



When using the Education Cloud API, please refer to the Start a room for client implementation; the server has more steps to call the Education Cloud API to manage the room, and only need to call two APIs to achieve the simplest room logic.

Create a room

You can create rooms according to your business needs. To create a room, call the Education Cloud API Create room with necessary room information.

You will need to manage the user IDs on your own and ensure the user IDs are unique in your app.

Get the room list

In certain scenarios, you may need to obtain the list of rooms joined by a given user and display the room list to the user. For example, in an education app, you can list all the classes taught by a specific teacher, so users find and join those classes easily.

You can do so by calling the Education Cloud API List rooms joined by a user. When the API request returns, extract the information you need from the returned data.

For details of more Education Cloud APIs, see Education Cloud Service APIs.

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