This document describes the meanings, possible causes, and solutions of error codes. For any questions, contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support.
This type of error code refers to codes of general API errors, which are usually thrown from the onError callback. Deal with the errors based on the following error code information.
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
0 | ZegoSuperBoardSuccess |
Success | - | - |
3100001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorInternal |
Internal error. | - | Contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support for processing. |
3100002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorParamInvalid |
Invalid parameter. | The inputted parameter is incorrect. | Pay attention to the information outputted by the console. |
3100003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNetworkTimeout |
Network timeout. | The device is disconnected from the network or is not connected to the network. | Check the network connection status of the device. |
3100004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNetworkDisconnect |
Network disconnection. | The device is disconnected from the network or is not connected to the network. | Check the network connection status of the device. |
3100005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorResponse |
Network packet return error. | The device is disconnected from the network or is not connected to the network. | Check the network connection status of the device. |
3100006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorRequestTooFrequent |
Too frequent requests. | - | Control the number of sent requests. |
3100007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorVersionMismatch |
Initialization failure. | The whiteboard SDK does not match with ZegoExpress-Video SDK. | Use ZegoExpress-Video SDK that matches with the whiteboard SDK. |
3100008 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorExpressImcompatible |
Initialization failure. | ZegoExpress-VideoSDK does not provide the whiteboard function. | Use ZegoExpress-Video SDK that provides the whiteboard function. |
3100009 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorRequestFailure |
Request failure. | Network error. | Check the network connection status of the device. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3110001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoLoginRoom |
No logged-in room. | No room is logged in. | Implement the loginRoom operation first before performing relevant actions. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3120001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorViewNotExist |
The whiteboard view does not exist. | The system judges that the operated whiteboard does not exist, which may be caused by network disconnection. | You are advised to connect the network again. |
3120002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorViewCreateFail |
Failed to create the whiteboard view. | Network error. | You are advised to add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3120003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorViewModifyFail |
Failed to modify the whiteboard view. | Network error. | You are advised to add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3120004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorViewNameLimit |
The whiteboard view name is too long. | - | Ensure that the whiteboard name contains at most 128 bytes. |
3120005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorViewParentNotExist |
The parent container of the whiteboard view does not exist. | The possible cause is that the parent container cannot be obtained. | Ensure that the parent container has been created. |
3120006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorViewNumLimit |
The maximum number of whiteboards has exceeded the limit. | A single room allows the co-existence of at most 50 whiteboards. | Delete unnecessary whiteboards. |
3120007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorAnimationInfoLimit |
The animation information is too long. | - | You are advised to shorten the animation information to be synchronized. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3130001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicNotExist |
The diagram element does not exist. | Network error. | You are advised to add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3130002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicCreateFail |
Failed to create a diagram element. | Network error. | You are advised to add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3130003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicModifyFail |
Failed to modify a diagram element. | Network error. | You are advised to add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3130004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicUnableDraw |
Drawing is not enabled. | - | Check whether the whiteboard drawing permission is set in the code. |
3130005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicDataLimit |
The size of a single graphic element exceeds the limit | - | You are advised to draw a graphic element by segment. In this manner, the drawing is restricted when the size of a single graphic element has exceeded the limit. |
3130006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicNumLimit |
The maximum number of graphic elements has exceeded the limit. | - | You are advised to create a new whiteboard for drawing. |
3130007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicTextLimit |
The number of text words has exceeded the limit. | - | You are advised to create a text graphic element. |
3130008 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicImageSizeLimit |
The size of the image graphic element has exceeded the limit. | - | Ensure that the size of the uploaded image is in the permitted range. |
3130009 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicImageTypeNotSupport |
Unsupported image type. | - | View the file specifications and ensure that the type of the used image is supported. |
3130010 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicIllegalAddress |
Invalid image address. | - | Check whether an invalid URL or local path is transferred. |
3130011 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGraphicCursorOffsetLimit |
The cursor offset exceeds the size of the cursor image. | - | Check whether the transferred cursor offset exceeds the size of the cursor image. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3140001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorInitFail |
Initialization failure. | - | Check your AppID, AppSign, and network connection status. |
3140002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorGetListFail |
Failed to pull the whiteboard view list. | Network error. | You can add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3140003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorCreateFail |
Failed to create the whiteboard view. | Network error. | You can add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3140004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorDestroyFail |
Failed to destroy the whiteboard view. | Network error. | You can add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3140005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorAttachFail |
Failed to attach the whiteboard view. | Incorrect GUI display time. | Add a whiteboard again after the GUI container is ready. |
3140006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorClearFail |
Failed to view the whiteboard view. | Network error. | You can add the corresponding retry mechanism. |
3140007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorScrollFail |
Failed to scroll the whiteboard view. | Insufficient permission causes a scrolling conflict. | Check whether the permission to forbid scrolling is set in the room, or try scrolling again. |
3140008 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorUndoFail |
Failed to undo. | Network error or operation conflict. | Try to undo again. |
3140009 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorRedoFail |
Failed to redo. | Network error or operation conflict. | Try to redo. |
3140010 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorLogFolderNotAccess |
The log directory that is set during initialization cannot be created or written. | Insufficient permission or unaccessible path. | Check whether the corresponding directory permissions are granted and whether the corresponding directory is readable and writable. |
3140011 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorCacheFolderNotAccess |
The cache directory that is set during initialization cannot be created or written. | Insufficient permission or unaccessible path. | Check whether the corresponding directory permissions are granted and whether the corresponding directory is readable and writable. |
3140012 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorSwitchFail |
Failed to switch the whiteboard view. | Network error or operation conflict. | Try to switch again. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3150001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthScale |
No permission is available to scale in or out a whiteboard. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
3150002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthScroll |
No permission is available to scroll a whiteboard. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
3150003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthCreateGraphic |
No permission is available to create a graphic element. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
3150004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthUpdateGraphic |
No permission is available to edit a graphic element. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
3150005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthMoveGraphic |
No permission is available to move a whiteboard. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
3150006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthDeleteGraphic |
No permission is available to delete a whiteboard. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
3150007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorNoAuthClearGraphic |
No permission is available to clear a whiteboard. | The server configuration permission is disabled. | Check the server permission status. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3111001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileNotExist |
Failed to find the corresponding local file. | 1. An incorrect file path is visited during the upload. 2. The local file has been deleted. |
Check whether the file path is correct. |
3111002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorUploadFailed |
File uploading failed. | The device network is disconnected. | Check the device network connection. |
3111003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorUnsupportRenderType |
The rendering mode is not supported. | The value of renderType is incorrect. | Check the value of the transferred parameter. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3121001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileEncrypt |
The file to be transcoded is encrypted. | The possible causes are as follows: A password is required to visit a word file. A password is required to visit an excel file. A password is required to visit a PowerPoint file. |
Disable the password access permission of the corresponding file. |
3121002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileSizeLimit |
Too much file content. | The possible causes are as follows: The size of the excel file exceeds 10 MB. The Excel file has been opened for a long period of time. The size of the text file exceeds 2 MB. The size of other files exceeds 300 MB. |
Decrease the size of the uploaded files. |
3121003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileSheetLimit |
The file contains too many pages. | The possible causes are as follows: The Excel file contains more than 20 sheets. The Word file contains more than 500 pages. The PowerPoint file contains more than 500 pages. |
Decrease the total pages of the file. |
3121004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorConvertFail |
Format conversion failed. | The file contains elements that do not support transcode. | Delete the corresponding elements. |
3121005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorConvertCancel |
Format conversion is canceled. | - | Re-initiate format conversion. |
3121006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileContentEmpty |
The file content is empty. | The possible causes are as follows: The PDF file has no content. The PowerPoint file has no content. The excel file has no content. The word file has no content. |
Supplement the corresponding file content before initiating transcode. |
3121007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileReadOnly |
The file is read-only. | The possible causes are as follows: The dynamic PowerPoint file is set to read-only, which will cause a transcode failure. The dynamic PowerPoint file contains fonts that are not supported by the transcode server, which will cause a transcode failure. |
Remove the read-only mode of the dynamic PowerPoint file. Change the font to the font supported by the transcode server. |
3121008 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorConvertElementNotSupported |
The source file has elements that do not support transcode. | - | Delete the elements before performing transcode. |
3121009 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorConvertFileTypeInvalid |
The file extension does not satisfy the file specifications defined in ZEGO. | - | Change the file extension to one that satisfies the file specifications defined in ZEGO. |
3121010 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorConvertFileUnsafe |
The source file has security risks and therefore cannot be opened properly. | - | Use the office software to open the file, check whether the file has security risks, and modify the file based on the handling suggestion. |
3121011 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorConvertElementNotExported |
After transcoding, some images, audio and video files are not exported properly. | - | Re-initiate a transcode request. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3131001 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorAuthParamInvalid |
Incorrect authentication parameter. | - | Check whether the transferred parameter is correct. |
3131002 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFilePathNotAccess |
Insufficient path permission. | 1. The log directory transferred during initialization is unavailable. 2. The cache directory transferred during initialization is unavailable. 2. The data directory transferred during initialization is unavailable. |
Check the transferred parameter. |
3131003 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorInitFailed |
Initialization failure | 1. The AppID or AppSign is incorrect. 2. The transferred isTestEnv environment parameter is incorrect. |
Check the transferred parameter. |
3131004 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorSizeInvalid |
Invalid file window size. | Internal error. | Contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support for processing. |
3131005 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFreeSpaceLimit |
Insufficient local space. | The device has insufficient storage space. | Check whether the device has sufficient remaining storage space, and clear the cache of the mobile phone. |
3131006 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorUploadNotSupported |
The file upload function is not supported. | - | Contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support for processing. |
3131007 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorUploadDuplicated |
The same file is being uploaded repeatedly. | The same file is being uploaded repeatedly. | To re-transcode the file, upload the file again after the last transcoding is completed. |
3131008 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorEmptyDomain |
Empty domain name. | Internal error. | Contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support for processing. |
3131009 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorDuplicateInit |
Initialized. | It has been initialized. | No measure needs to be taken. |
3131010 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorServerFileNotExist |
The corresponding transcoded file cannot be found. | 1. The wrong fileID is transferred when the file is visited, for example, different AppIDs are used when the file is uploaded and currently visited. 2. The environment for file uploading is different from that for file visiting. |
Check whether the fileID is correct. |
3131011 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorDocLogFolderNotAccess |
The log directory that is set during initialization cannot be created or written. | LogPath is incorrectly set. | Check the value of LogPath. |
3131012 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorDocCacheFolderNotAccess |
The cache directory that is set during initialization cannot be created or written. | cachePath is incorrectly set. | Check the value of cachePath. |
3131013 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorDocDataFolderNotAccess |
The data directory that is set during initialization cannot be created or written. | LogPath is incorrectly set. | Check the value of LogPath. |
3131013 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorCacheNotSupported |
File pre-loading is not supported. | The pre-loading service is not enabled for the app ID. | Contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support for processing. |
3131015 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorCacheFailed |
Pre-loading failure. | The pre-loading fails due to a network error. | Check the device network connection. |
3131016 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorZipFileInvalid |
Invalid ZIP file. | The ZIP file is invalid or the file is damaged. | Check whether the ZIP file can be properly used. |
3131017 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorH5FileInvalid |
Invalid H5 file. | 1. The file does not satisfy the H5 file specifications defined by ZEGOCLOUD. 2. The file does not contain index.html. |
Check whether H5 files satisfy file specifications. |
3131018 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileCorruption |
The file is damaged. | A dialog box indicating that the file needs to be repaired (the file is damaged) when the file is damaged. | Check whether the file is damaged. |
3131019 | ZegoSuperBoardErrorFileContentIncomplete |
The file content is incomplete. | EOF error (incomplete file content). | Check whether the file content is complete. |
Error code | Error message | Description | Possible cause | Solution |
3112001 | ZegoBridgeErrorNotReady |
H5 does not call getReady. | The getReady function is not called. | Ensure that the getReady function is called. |
3112002 | ZegoBridgeErrorParamInvalid |
Parameter error | The script API parameters called H5 do not satisfy requirements. | Pay attention to the information outputted by the console. |
3112003 | ZegoBridgeErrorRecordListLimit |
The byte length contained in recordList has exceeded the limit. | H5 calls the operation-related API, causing the recordList of the current page to exceed the maximum length limit (a maximum of 948 bytes are allowed after base64). | Ensure that the byte length after base64 in recordList sent by the operation-related API does not exceed 948 bytes |
3112006 | ZegoBridgeErrorH5 |
Execution error of H5 internal code. | - | Contact ZEGOCLOUD Technical Support for processing. |