ZEGOCLOUD's ZIM SDKs provide rich APIs for you to quickly build the in-app chat feature into your applications.
The ZIM SDK now supports all major platforms and frameworks, including Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web, and Flutter.
Method | Description |
getVersion | Gets the SDK's version number. |
create | Create a ZIM instance. |
setLogConfig | Set log related configuration. |
setCacheConfig | Set cache related configuration. |
login | Login, you must log in before using all functions. |
renewToken | Update the authentication token. |
uploadLog | Upload log and call after setting up log path. |
logout | Log out of ZIM service. |
destroy | Destroy the ZIM instance. |
onError | The callback for error information. |
onTokenWillExpire | A reminder callback that the token is about to expire. |
Method | Description |
createRoom | Create and join a room. |
enterRoom | Enter the room. If the room does not exist, it will be created automatically. |
joinRoom | Join a room. |
leaveRoom | Leave a room. |
queryRoomMemberList | Query the list of members in the room. |
queryRoomOnlineMemberCount | Query the number of online members in the room. |
queryRoomAllAttributes | Query all properties of the room. |
setRoomAttributes | Set room attributes (use this for all additions and changes). |
deleteRoomAttributes | Delete room attributes. |
beginRoomAttributesBatchOperation | Open combination room attribute operation. |
endRoomAttributesBatchOperation | Complete the property operation of the combined room. |
onReceiveRoomMessage | The callback for receiving room message. |
onRoomStateChanged | event callback when the room connection status changes. |
onRoomMemberJoined | Callback when other members join the room. |
onRoomMemberLeft | Callback when other members leave the room. |
Method | Description |
sendMediaMessage | Send media messages. |
downloadMediaFile | Download media message content. |
sendPeerMessage | Send peer-to-peer messages. |
sendRoomMessage | Send room messages. |
sendGroupMessage | Send group message. |
queryHistoryMessage | Query historical messages. |
deleteMessages | Delete message. |
deleteAllMessage | Delete all message. |
onReceivePeerMessage | The callback for receiving one-to-one message. |
onReceiveRoomMessage | The callback for receiving in-room message |
onReceiveGroupMessage | The callback for receiving group message. |
Method | Description |
createGroup | Create groups. |
joinGroup | join a goup. |
leaveGroup | Leave the group. |
dismissGroup | Disband the group. |
inviteUsersIntoGroup | Invite users into the group. |
kickGroupMembers | kick some members out of the group. |
transferGroupOwner | Transfer the group owner. |
updateGroupName | Update the group name. |
updateGroupNotice | Update group announcements. |
queryGroupInfo | Query group information. |
queryGroupList | Query group list. |
setGroupAttributes | Add or update group attributes. |
deleteGroupAttributes | Delete group attribute. |
queryGroupAttributes | Query group attributes by keys. |
queryGroupAllAttributes | Query all attributes of the group. |
setGroupMemberRole | Set the group member role. |
setGroupMemberNickname | Set group member nickname. |
queryGroupMemberInfo | Query group member information. |
queryGroupMemberList | Query the list of group members. |
onGroupStateChanged | Group state change notification callback. |
onGroupNameUpdated | Group name update notification callback. |
onGroupNoticeUpdated | Notification callback for group announcement updates. |
onGroupAttributesUpdated | Group property update attributes callback. |
onGroupMemberStateChanged | Group member state change notification callback. |
onGroupMemberInfoUpdated | Group member basic information change notification. |
Method | Description |
queryConversationList | Query the conversation list. |
deleteConversation | Delete the conversation. |
clearConversationUnreadMessageCount | Clear session unreads. |
setConversationNotificationStatus | Set the conversation notification state. |
onConversationChanged | Received notification callback for session update. |
onConversationTotalUnreadMessageCountUpdated | Notification callback for session total unread updates. |
Method | Description |
callInvite | Initiate a call invitation. |
callCancel | Cancel the call invitation. |
callAccept | Accept the call invitation. |
callReject | Reject the call invitation. |
onCallInvitationReceived | The notification callback for the call invitation received by the invitee. |
onCallInvitationCancelled | The notification callback received by the invitee to cancel the invitation. |
onCallInvitationTimeout | Callback for notification of called call invitation timeout. |
onCallInvitationAccepted | The notification callback received by the inviter that invitee has accepted the invitation. |
onCallInvitationRejected | The inviter receives the notification callback that the invitee reject the invitation. |
onCallInviteesAnsweredTimeout | Callback for notification of caller call invitation timeout. |