Virtual Avatar
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    • Integrate the SDK
    • Create a virtual avatar
    • ZegoCharacterHelper instructions
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  • Virtual Avatar
  • Getting started
  • ZegoCharacterHelper instructions

ZegoCharacterHelper instructions

Last updated:2022-12-23 13:03


To simplify the integration process of the initialization, serialization, data caching, path splicing, and resource mapping features during virtual avatar creation, the ZegoAvatar SDK provides the open-source ZegoCharacterHelper class to help developers create virtual avatars quickly. When you use ZegoCharacterHelper, go to SDK downloads to obtain the related code of the ZegoCharacterHelper class.

The ZegoCharacterHelper class encapsulates IZegoCharacter. If the ZegoCharacterHelper class is used, no APIs related to IZegoCharacter need to be called.

Implementation steps

1 Optional: Preload resources

To preload resources, do this before initializing the ZegoCharacterHelper:

  1. First, upload the absolute path of the ​​resource packages. For details, see Import resource packages.

  2. Call the preload method, and pass the absolute path of the ​​model resource to preload the resource to reduce the time required to initialize ZegoCharacterHelper later.

- base.bundle: Head model
- human.bundle: Full-body model

The following is an example of the preloading of a header model. You can select the required model to be loaded according to the requirements of the scenario.

// Get the absolute path to the art resource (the path can be customized).
NSString *resPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingString:@"/assets/base.bundle"];

// Preload resources.
[ZegoCharacterHelper preload:resPath];

2. Initialize ZegoCharacterHelper

  1. Upload the absolute paths of the aesthetics resource packages. For more information, see Import resource packages.
  2. Call the init API and introduce the absolute path of the resource packages to initialize the ZegoCharacterHelper class.
// Define ZegoCharacterHelper.
@property (nonatomic, strong) ZegoCharacterHelper *characterHelper;

// Obtain the absolute path of aesthetics resource packages. The path can be customized.
NSString *baseRes = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingString:@"/assets/base.bundle"];

// Initialize ZegoCharacterHelper.
_characterHelper = [[ZegoCharacterHelper alloc] init:resPath];

3. Set the default avatar

When no virtual avatar data exists, you can call the setDefaultAvatar method to set a default virtual avatar.

  • Male role: MODEL_ID_MALE
  • Female role: MODEL_ID_FEMALE
// MODEL_ID_MALE is used as an example to set the appearance.
[_characterHelper setDefaultAvatar:MODEL_ID_MALE];

4. Create a virtual avatar view

  1. After ZegoCharacterHelper is initialized, call the createAvatarView API to create an avatar view and configure the width, height, and other information of the view.
  2. Call the setCharacterView API, introduce avatarView, and associate it with the view of the virtual avatar.
/// Create AvatarView. 
_avatarView = [[ZegoAvatarService sharedInstance] createAvatarView:CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height)];
[self.view addSubview:_avatarView];

// Associate with AvatarView and display the avatar on the screen.
[_characterHelper setCharacterView:avatarView];

In this case, a default virtual avatar is created.

Adjust the appearance of the virtual avatar

After the basic virtual avatar is created, refer to the following content to adjust the appearance of the virtual avatar.

Set the face shape

Call the setFaceShape API and introduce the faceshapeID (adjustable facial dimension), value (avatar creation coefficient), and other parameters to set or modify the dimensions of facial parts. For more information about adjustable facial dimensions, see Manual avatar creation. We also describe all adjustable facial dimensions (faceshapeID) in helper/ZegoCharacterHelper.h.

//** Set the eyebrow thickness.*/
[_characterHelper setFaceShape:FACESHAPE_BROW_SIZE_Y value:0.3];

Set and obtain the hair color

Call the setHairColor API to set the hair color of the virtual avatar. The first parameter indicates the color of the hair root, and the second parameter indicates the color of the hair tail. The valid values are red, green, blue, and alpha. You can set the same or different colors for the hair root and tail. If different colors are set, the color gradually changes from the hair root to the hair tail.

[_characterHelper setHairColor:[ZegoColor redColor] endColor:[ZegoColor blueColor]];

To obtain the hair color, call the getHairColor API. The hair color array is returned. 0 indicates the color of the hair root, and 1 indicates the color of the hair tail. The valid values are red, green, blue, and alpha.

NSArray<ZegoColor *> *colorList = [_characterHelper getHairColor];

Set and obtain the skin color

The ZegoAvatar SDK provides a fixed color picking card, which cannot be replaced. You can copy this image to a directory of your project.

Take the color picking card as a coordinate system. (0, 0) lies in the top left corner and indicates white skin, (0.3, 0.3) indicates yellow skin, and (1.0, 1.0) lies in the bottom right corner indicating black skin. The larger the coordinates (rightwards in the horizontal direction and downward in the vertical direction), the darker the skin color.

// Set the coordinates of the skin color for the virtual avatar. For coordinate values, see the color picking card.
[_characterHelper setSkinColorCoordinates:CGPointMake(0.5, 0.8)];
// Obtain the coordinates of the skin color for the virtual avatar.
CGPoint coodr = [_characterHelper getSkinColorCoordinates];

Automatic avatar generation

To automatically generate a virtual avatar based on an image, perform the following steps:

  1. After the image is prepared, call the detectFaceFeature API and introduce the UIImage to generate a virtual avatar.
  2. After a virtual avatar is created, call the applyFaceFeature API and introduce the feature parameter to set the dimensions of facial parts.
// Extract facial features based on the introduced image.
ZegoFaceFeature *feature = [[[ZegoAvatarService sharedInstance] getInteractEngine] detectFaceFeature:image];

// Set the appearance of the avatar based on facial features.
[_characterHelper applyFaceFeature:feature];
  • During automatic avatar generation, you do not need to set the default gender or other JSON data in advance because the data will be generated automatically after the API is called.
  • Before automatic avatar generation, you need to set ExtendPackagesPath in advance to prevent the related resources from failing to be found and the automatic avatar generation effect failing to be restored.

Set facial expressions

  • Before you start the facial expression detection, ensure that the camera permission is enabled.
  • If the ZegoCharacterHelper class is used, no APIs related to IZegoCharacter need to be called.

After the basic virtual avatar is created, call the startDetectExpression API, set the drive mode to ZegoExpressionDetectModeCamera, and use the front camera to detect facial expressions. Then, use the setExpression API of ZegoCharacterHelper to set facial expressions and drive facial expression changes of the virtual avatar.

// Start facial expression detection.
___weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
BOOL ret = [[[ZegoAvatarService sharedInstance] getInteractEngine] startDetectExpression:ZegoExpressionDetectModeCamera callback:^(ZegoExpression *expression) {
// Drive mouth shape changes of the virtual avatar.
__strong typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
    [strongSelf.characterHelper setExpression: expression];

Styles and materials

If the ZegoCharacterHelper class is used, no APIs related to IZegoCharacter need to be called. Even though IZegoCharacter also has the setPackage API, do not call it directly. If you call the IZegoCharacter API skipping the ZegoCharacterHelper class, cache at the ZegoCharacterHelper layer will become untrusted.

Before changing the makeup or clothing for the virtual avatar, perform the following operations:

  1. If you set the Packages import method to dynamic downloading, call the setExtendPackagesPath API of ZegoCharacterHelper to set the Packages download directory to the downloadPath parameter before using the packages to facilitate resource indexing. The downloadPath parameter needs to be specified to the folder of Packages, for example, /Documents/downloads/Package/.
  2. Call the setPackage API and introduce the packageID to adjust the appearance of the virtual avatar. The packageID parameter indicates the resource that needs to be set. For more information, see Styles and materials.
// Ensure that the external directory of Packages is set before the API is called.
[_characterHelper setExtendPackagesPath:downloadPath]
/** Call the Styles and materials API.*/
NSString *packageID = @"facepaint1"; // Ensure that this directory is under the downloadPath directory.
[_characterHelper setPackge:packageID];

Obtain appearance data

After appearance data is set, you can call the getAvatarJson API of the ZegoCharacterHelper class to obtain JSON data of the virtual avatar and store the data to the user profile on the server end for restoration.

NSString *json = [_characterHelper getAvatarJson];

Restore appearance data

If you call the getAvatarJson API of the ZegoCharacterHelper class to save the appearance data of the virtual avatar, you can call the setAvatarJson API and introduce the data to restore the personalized virtual avatar.

[_characterHelper setAvatarJson:json];

Play animation

To play the animation, call the playAnimation API, and pass the corresponding Key parameter.

For more resources, you can go to SDK downloads for downloading.

[_characterHelper playAnimation:@"walk"];

The following shows the supported animation keys:

Animation Key Description
relax Relax
walk Walking
run Running
think Thinking

Enable/Disable animation

To enable animation, call the enableAnimation API and pass YES. To disable it, pass NO instead.

[_characterHelper enableAnimation:NO];

Set view angles

To set view angles, call the setViewport API. The parameter description is as follows:

Parameter Description
ZegoAvatarViewPortType_FullBody Full-length portrait
ZegoAvatarViewPortType_HalfBody Half-length portrait
ZegoAvatarViewPortType_Head Head portrait
// Set full-length portrait.
[_characterHelper setViewport:ZegoAvatarViewPortType_FullBody];

Set default expression

  1. First, call the setDefaultExpression method, and pass the default expression data file path (the path can be customized. The default expression data files can be obtained in the SDK download.
  2. Call the enableDefaultExpression method to control whether to enable the default expression. **Please ensure that you have called setDefaultExpression to pass in the correct default expression data, otherwise, the default expression will not be displayed properly. **
// Get the absolute path to the default emoji data file (path can be customized)
NSString *expressionPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingString:@"/ZADefaultExpressionData.txt"];
// Set the default expression.
[_characterHelper setDefaultExpression: expressionPath];
// Enable the default expression.
[_characterHelper enabelDefaultExpression: YES];

Export Avatar texture

After creating a basic virtual avatar, you can directly call the startCaptureAvatar method, and pass AvatarCaptureConfig (configures the width and height of the exported texture) to start exporting the Metal texture.

You can also refer to Using avatars when publishing streams to use avatars when publishing streams.

  • To export the Avatar Texture, don’t use the setAvatarView method, that is, do not use AvatarView for rendering, otherwise it may be unable to obtain the Avatar texture to publish the stream.
  • When exporting the Avatar Texture, it is equivalent to doing offline rendering, the previous Avatar will not be rendered to the screen.
// Start exporting Avatar Texture.
// Set the [captureWidth] and [captureHeight] of the content returned by the Avatar as required. 
AvatarCaptureConfig* config = [[AvatarCaptureConfig alloc] initWithWidth:captureWidth height:captureHeight];
@weakify(self);// Resolve Self intersecting loop problems.
[self.helper startCaptureAvatar:config callback:^(unsigned long long texture, int width, int height) {
    // The Texture ID, width, and height. 

// Stop exporting Avatar Texture.
[self.helper stopCaptureAvatar];
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