ZEGO ZIM SDKs provide rich APIs for you to quickly build in app chat capabilities into your applications.
ZEGO ZIM SDKs are available for all major platforms, including Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, and Web.
Method | Description |
querySubscribedUserStatusListWithConfig:callback: | This command is used to query the subscription list of the current online user. |
queryUsersStatusByUserIDs:callback: | Query the online statuses of other users. |
subscribeUsersStatus:config:callback: | Subscribe to the online status of other users |
unsubscribeUsersStatus:callback: | This command is used to batch unsubscribe the target users in the current user subscription list. |
updateUserOfflinePushRule:offlinePushRule:callback: | Modify the custom rule of offline push |
querySelfUserInfo:callback: | Query user information and user rules. |
createWithAppID: | Create a ZIM instance. |
createWithAppConfig: | Create a ZIM instance. |
getVersion | Gets the SDK's version number. |
getInstance | Get the ZIM singleton object. |
setEventHandler: | Set the event notification callbacks that need to be handled. If the eventHandler is set to [null], all the callbacks set previously will be cleared. |
setLogConfig: | Set log related configuration. |
setGeofencingConfig: | Set geofence-related configurations. |
setCacheConfig: | Set cache related configuration. |
loginWithUserInfo:token:callback: | Login, you must log in before using all functions. |
loginWithUserInfo:callback: | Login, you must log in before using all functions. |
loginWithUserID:config:callback;: | Login, you must log in before using all functions. |
renewToken:callback: | Update the authentication token. |
queryUsersInfo:userIDs:config:callback: | Query user information. |
updateUserName:userName:callback: | Update user's user name. |
updateUserAvatarUrl:userAvatarUrl:callback: | Update user's avatar URL. |
updateUserExtendedData:extendedData:callback: | Update user's user extended data. |
uploadLog: | Upload log and call after setting up log path. |
logout | Log out of ZIM service. |
destroy | Destroy the ZIM instance. |
zim:errorInfo: | The callback for error information. |
zim:tokenWillExpire: | A reminder callback that the token is about to expire. |
zim:userInfoUpdated: | Callback for user information update. |
zim:userRuleUpdated: | Callback of user rule changes. |
Method | Description |
createRoom: | Create and join a room. |
queryRoomMembersByUserIDs:userIDs:roomID:callback: | Query the information of up to ten users in the specified room. |
setRoomMembersAttributes:attributes:userIDs:roomID:config:callback: | Set room member attributes (use this for all additions and changes). |
queryRoomMembersAttributesByUserIDs:userIDs:roomID:callback: | Batch query the room user attributes of the members in the room. |
queryRoomMemberAttributesListByRoomID:roomID:config:callback: | paginate the room user properties that have room property members in the room. |
createRoom:config:callback: | Create a room with advanced settings |
enterRoom:config:callback: | Enter the room. If the room does not exist, it will be created automatically. |
switchRoomFromRoomID:fromRoomID:toRoomInfo:isCreateWhenRoomNotExisted:config:callback: | Switch from one room to another. If the room does not exist, it will decide whether to create the corresponding room based on the passed parameters. |
joinRoom:roomID:callback: | Join a room. |
leaveRoom:roomID:callback: | Leave a room. |
leaveAllRoom:callback: | Leave all rooms entered. |
queryRoomMemberListByRoomID:roomID:config:callback: | Query the list of members in the room. |
queryRoomOnlineMemberCountByRoomID:callback: | Query the number of online members in the room. |
queryRoomAllAttributesByRoomID:roomID:callback: | Query all properties of the room. |
setRoomAttributes:roomAttributes:roomID:config:callback: | Set room attributes (use this for all additions and changes). |
deleteRoomAttributesByKeys:roomID:config:callback: | Delete room attributes. |
beginRoomAttributesBatchOperationWithRoomID:config: | Open combination room attribute operation. |
endRoomAttributesBatchOperationWithRoomID:callback: | Complete the property operation of the combined room. |
zim:receiveRoomMessage:fromRoomID: | The callback for receiving room message. |
zim:roomStateChanged:event:extendedData: | event callback when the room connection status changes. |
zim:roomMemberJoined:roomID: | Callback when other members join the room. |
zim:roomMemberLeft:roomID: | Callback when other members leave the room. |
Method | Description |
callInviteWithInvitees:config:callback: | Initiate a call invitation. |
callJoin:callID:config:callback: | Join an advanced mode call, or switch the main device for the advanced mode call (multi-terminal login only). |
callCancelWithInvitees:config:callback: | Cancel the call invitation. |
callAcceptWithCallID:config:callback: | Accept the call invitation. |
callRejectWithCallID:config:callback: | Reject the call invitation. |
callQuit:config:callback: | Reject the call invitation. |
callEnd:config:callback: | End the call invitation. |
callingInviteWithInvitees:callID:config:callback: | Invite other users to join the call invitation |
queryCallInvitationListWithConfig:callback: | Query call invitation list |
zim:blacklistChanged:userList: | This method will be called back when the blacklist is updated or changes occur. |
zim:callInvitationReceived:callID: | The notification callback for the call invitation received by the invitee. |
zim:callInvitationCreated:callID: | The notification callback for the call invitation created by the caller. |
zim:callInvitationCancelled:callID: | The notification callback received by the invitee to cancel the invitation. |
zim:callInvitationTimeout: | Callback for notification of called call invitation timeout. |
zim:callInvitationAccepted:info:callID: | The notification callback received by the inviter that invitee has accepted the invitation. |
zim:callInvitationRejected:callID: | The inviter receives the notification callback that the invitee reject the invitation. |
zim:callInviteesAnsweredTimeout:callID: | Callback for notification of caller call invitation timeout. |
zim:callInvitationEnded:callID: | Callback for notification of caller call invitation ended. |
zim:callUserStateChanged:callID: | Call the notification of the user status in the invitation invitation. |
Method | Description |
addLocalNotificationWithContent:content:trigger:completionHandler: | Add a local push notification. |
ZPNsNotificationCenter:didReceiveNotificationResponse:withCompletionHandler: | This callback method is triggered when the user clicks remote push to enter the APP. |
onRegistered:Pushid: | The callback triggered after generating PushID. |
registerAPNs | Register with APNs. |
setBadge:badge: | Reports the number of corners of the current App to the ZPNs server through this interface. |
setDeviceToken:isProduct: | Use this method to pass deviceToken into ZPNs and get PushID. |
setPushConfig: | Set push Settings for each vendor. |
setVoIPToken:voIPtoken:isProduct: | Used to upload the VoIP push token obtained from the system to ZPNs. |
setZPNsNotificationCenterDelegate:delegate: | Set the event notification callbacks that need to be handled. If the eventHandler is set to [null], all the callbacks set previously will be cleared. |
shared | Get the ZPNs instance. |
ZPNsNotificationCenter:willPresentNotification:userInfo:withCompletionHandler: | This callback method is triggered when the application receives a push in the foreground. |
unregisterAPNs | Call this method to de-register when offline push is not required. |
Method | Description |
addUsersToBlacklistWithUserIDs:userIDs:callback: | Add users to blacklist. |
removeUsersFromBlacklistWithUserIDs:userIDs:callback: | Remove the user from the blacklist. |
queryBlacklistWithConfig:config:callback: | Query the blacklist. |
checkUserIsInBlackListByUserID:userID:callback: | Check if the user is on the blacklist. |
Method | Description |
getVersion | Get the ZIM Audio SDK version number |
setAdvancedConfigWithKey:key:value: | Set Advanced Config. |
sharedInstance | Get an instance. |
initWithLicense:license: | Initialize ZIM Audio SDK |
uninit | Deinitialize the ZIM Audio SDK. |
setEventHandler:eventHandler: | Setting ZIM Audio SDK event notification. |
enableANS:enable: | Enable Acoustic Noise Suppression |
enableAGC:enable: | Enable Automatic Gain Control |
setANSParam:param: | Set ANS parameters |
startRecordWithConfig:config: | Start recording audio files. |
completeRecord | Finish recording the audio file. |
cancelRecord | Interrupt audio recording |
isRecording | Get whether ZIM Audio SDK is recording audio |
setAudioRouteType:routeType: | Set the audio routing type |
startPlayWithConfig:config: | Start audio playing |
stopPlay | Stops audio playing. |
isPlaying | Get whether ZIM Audio SDK is playing audio |
onError:errorInfo: | Error callback |
onRecorderStarted | Recording initiation callback |
onRecorderCompleted:totalDuration: | Recording completion callback |
onRecorderCancelled | Callback of recording cancellation |
onRecorderProgress:currentDuration: | Recording progress callback |
onRecorderFailed:errorCode: | Callback of voice recording failure |
onPlayerStarted:totalDuration: | Playback initiation callback |
onPlayerEnded | Playback conclusion callback |
onPlayerStopped | Playback termination callback |
onPlayerProgress:currentDuration: | Playback progress callback |
onPlayerInterrupted | Callback of voice-playing interruption |
onPlayerFailed:errorCode: | Player failure callback |