With the related callback setup in place, the ZEGOCLOUD server will send an event notification to the pre-configured server callback URL when your application client starts publishing a stream to the ZEGOCLOUD server. You can use this callback to maintain a list of live streams on your application server.
Parameter | Type | Description |
stream_sid |
String |
The stream's server-side ID, the unique ID of the stream generated by the ZEGO server. |
channel_id |
String |
Channel ID, with a maximum length of 127 bytes. Same as the RoomID on the client side. |
title |
String |
Stream title, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. |
stream_alias |
String |
Stream name, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. Same as the StreamID on the client side. |
publish_id |
String |
Publisher ID, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. Same as the UserID of the stream publisher on the client side. |
publish_name |
String |
Publisher name, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. Same as the UserName of the stream publisher on the client side. |
rtmp_url |
Array |
RTMP playback URL, with a maximum length of 1024 bytes. |
hls_url |
Array |
HLS playback URL, with a maximum length of 1024 bytes. |
hdl_url |
Array |
HDL playback URL, with a maximum length of 1024 bytes. |
pic_url |
Array |
Stream snapshot URL, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. |
create_time |
String |
Creation time,a Unix timestamp. |
timestamp |
String |
The server's current time, a Unix timestamp. |
nonce |
String |
A random number. |
signature |
String |
The signature for request authentication. For more details about the request signature, see Authenticating server-to-server callbacks. |
extra_info |
String |
Extra information. |
appid |
String |
Application ID. |
event |
String |
Event name. For this callback, the event name is "stream_create". |
stream_id |
String |
Stream ID, same as the parameter stream_alias. |
stream_seq |
String |
The sequence number of server stream list updates, with an increment of 1 for each update. |
room_id |
String |
Room ID, with a maximum length of 127 bytes. Same as the parameter channel_id. |
recreate |
String |
Republishing indicator.
user_id |
String |
User ID, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. Same as the parameter publish_id. |
user_name |
String |
User name, with a maximum length of 255 bytes. Same as the parameter publish_name. |
[stream_sid] => s-115205137699740000000000104
[channel_id] => 0xb-0x1
[stream_alias] => aaaa
[title] => tile
[rtmp_url] => Array
[0] => rtmp://rtmp.wsdemo.zego.im/zegodemo/aaa
[1] => rtmp://testplay.aliyun.zego.im/livestream/aaa
[hls_url] => Array
[0] => http://hls.wsdemo.zego.im/zegodemo/aaa/playlist.m3u8
[1] => http://testplay.aliyun.zego.im/livestream/aaa.m3u8
[hdl_url] => Array
[0] => http://hdl.wsdemo.zego.im/zegodemo/aaa.flv
[1] => http://testplay.aliyun.zego.im/livestream/aaa.flv
[pic_url] => Array
[0] => http://pic.wsdemo.zego.im/zegodemo/aaa.jpg
[publish_id] => publish
[publish_name] => name
[create_time] => 1481597358
[timestamp] => 1481597358
[nonce] => 158273
[signature] => signature
[extra_info] => "extra"
[appid] => 1
[event] => stream_create
A response "1" means that the request has completed successfully. Other responses indicate a failed request.
If the ZEGOCLOUD server does not receive a response, or the HTTP status code received by the ZEGOCLOUD server is not 2xx (such as 200), it will retry with intervals of 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s, and 32s respectively. If the retry still fails after an interval of 32s, it will no longer retry.