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  • Background segmentation

Background segmentation

Last updated:2022-04-19 16:17

The ZegoEffects SDK provides various background segmentation features that can be used in a wide range of use cases, such as online education, video conferencing, short videos, and more.


Before you begin to use the SDK's background segmentation feature in your project, make sure you complete the following steps:

  1. Integrate the ZegoEffects SDK into your project. For details, see Integration.
  2. Implement the basic image processing functionality. For details, see Implementation.
  3. Import the SegmentationModel. For details, see Import models.

Implementation steps

The SDK supports two background segmentation methods: portrait segmentation and green screen segmentation. For each segmentation method, you can also enable the background blurring or background mosaicing feature as needed.

Portrait segmentation

To use the portrait segmentation feature, import the model file SegmentationModel first; otherwise, this feature can't take effect. For details, see Import resources and models.

  1. Do either one of the following:

    • Call the setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundPath method to set the background path,

    • Call the setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundBuffer method to set the background buffer.

      // Method 1: Set the background path for portrait segmentation. 
      [self.effects setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundPath: @"MY_BACKGROUND_PATH" mode:ZegoEffectsScaleModeAspectFill];
      // Method 2: Set the background buffer for portrait segmentation. 
      [self.effects setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundBuffer:pixelbuffer mode:ZegoEffectsScaleModeAspectFill];
  2. Call the enablePortraitSegmentation method to enable the portrait segmentation feature.

    // Enable the portrait segmentation feature.
    [self.effects enablePortraitSegmentation:YES];

After enabling portrait segmentation, you can also enable background blurring or background mosaicing as needed.

Background blurring with portrait segmentation

  1. Call the enablePortraitSegmentationBackgroundBlur method to enable background blurring with portrait segmentation.
  2. Call the setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundBlurParam method to set the intensity property of ZegoEffectsBlurParam to adjust the extent of background blurring.
Enabling the background blurring feature will override any previously set custom background and background mosaicing feature.
// Enable background blurring with portrait segmentation.
[self.effects enablePortraitSegmentationBackgroundBlur:YES];

// Set the background blurring parameters.
ZegoEffectsBlurParam *param = [[ZegoEffectsBlurParam alloc] init];
param.intensity = 100;
[self.effects setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundBlurParam:param];

Background mosaicing with portrait segmentation

  1. Call the enablePortraitSegmentationBackgroundMosaic method to enable background mosaicing with portrait segmentation.
  2. Call the setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundMosaicParam method to set the intensity property of ZegoEffectsMosaicParam to adjust the extent of background mosaicing.
Enabling the background mosaicing feature will override any previously set custom background and background blurring feature.
// Enable background mosaicing with portrait segmentation.
[self.effects enablePortraitSegmentationBackgroundMosaic:YES];

// Set the background mosaicing parameters.
ZegoEffectsMosaicParam *param = [[ZegoEffectsMosaicParam alloc] init];
param.intensity = 100;
[self.effects setPortraitSegmentationBackgroundMosaicParam:param];

Green screen segmentation

  1. Do either one of the following:

    • Call the setChromaKeyBackgroundPath method to set the background path.

    • Call the setChromaKeyBackgroundBuffer method to set the background background buffer.

      // Method 1: Set the background path for green screen segmentation.
      [self.effects setChromaKeyBackgroundPath: @"MY_BACKGROUND_PATH" mode:ZegoEffectsScaleModeAspectFill];
      // Method 2: Set the background buffer for green screen segmentation.
      [self.effects setChromaKeyBackgroundBuffer:pixelbuffer mode:ZegoEffectsScaleModeAspectFill];
  2. Call the enableChromaKey method to enable the green screen segmentation feature, and then call the setChromaKeyParam method to set the chrome key parameters to adjust the color tolerance, edge smoothness index, and others.

    // Enable the green screen segmentation feature.
    [self.effects enableChromaKey:YES]
    // Set the green screen segmentation parameters.
    ZegoEffectsChromaKeyParam *param = [[ZegoEffectsChromaKeyParam alloc] init];
    [self.effects setChromaKeyParam:param];

After enabling green screen segmentation, you can also enable background blurring or background mosaicing as needed.

Background blurring with green screen segmentation

  1. Call the enableChromaKeyBackgroundBlur method to enable background blurring with green screen segmentation.
  2. Call the setChromaKeyBackgroundBlurParam method to set the intensity property of ZegoEffectsBlurParam to adjust the extent of background blurring.
Enabling the background blurring feature will override any previously set custom background and background mosaicing feature.
// Enable background blurring with green screen segmentation.
[self.effects enableChromaKeyBackgroundBlur:YES];

// Set the background blurring parameters.
ZegoEffectsBlurParam *param = [[ZegoEffectsBlurParam alloc] init];
param.intensity = 100;
[self.effects setChromaKeyBackgroundBlurParam:param];

Background mosaicing with green screen segmentation

  1. Call the enableChromaKeyBackgroundMosaic method to enable the background mosaicing feature.
  2. Call the setChromaKeyBackgroundMosaicParam method to set the intensity property of ZegoEffectsMosaicParam to adjust the extent of background mosaicing.

Enabling the background mosaicing feature will override any previously set custom background and background blurring feature.

// Enable background mosaicing with green screen segmentation.
[self.effects enableChromaKeyBackgroundMosaic:YES];
// Set the background mosaicing parameters.
ZegoEffectsMosaicParam *param = [[ZegoEffectsMosaicParam alloc] init];
param.intensity = 100;
[self.effects setChromaKeyBackgroundMosaicParam:param];
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