products / solutions
Platform / Framework

How to define the streamID?

Products / Plugins:Video Call / Live Streaming

Platform / Framework:All

Last updated:2021-09-15 11:19

Currently, we don't restrict the streamID too much, and you can define the streamID flexibly when integrating the SDK.

Notes for defineing the streamID:

  • It can't contain more than 256 characters.
  • It can't contain URL keywords; otherwise, the stream publishing will fail.
  • It can contain letters, numbers, and the following: ~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, =, -, `, ;, ’, ,, ., <, >, /, \.

Developers often define streamID with userID, or roomID combined with userID.

To avoid exceptions, we recommend you define the streamID as a combination of roomID and userID to make sure streams are unique in different rooms.

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