products / solutions
Platform / Framework

How can I prevent the volume change when start and stop hosting?

Products / Plugins:Video Call / Voice Call / Live Streaming

Platform / Framework:iOS / Android / macOS / Windows

Last updated:2021-09-26 15:16

The ZEGO SDK uses different volume modes in different cases, such as uses in-call volume when you start hosting and uses media volume when you stop hosting.

This kind of configuration makes for a better experience in most scenarios, but also brings the volume change issue when you start and stop hosting.

To prevent this issue, you can set the scenario property of the createEngine method when creating a ZegoExpressEngine instance accordingly:

  • To use the in-call volume when you start and stop hosting: set the scenario property to COMMUNICATION.

  • To use the media volume when you start and stop hosting: set the scenario property to GENERAL.

For more volume modes and information, contact ZEGO technical support.

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