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Common issues of the Express SDK

Products / Plugins:Video Call / Voice Call / Live Streaming

Platform / Framework:iOS / Android / macOS / Windows / Web

Last updated:2023-05-23 17:59

1. In the official environment, the detailed debugging information switch in setDebugVerbose:language: has been set to no on the IOS platform, but there are still pop-ups, what should I do?

Check whether the ZegoExpress SDK is version 1.9.1 and above, if not, you need to upgrade the ZegoExpress SDK version. If there are still popups after the upgrade, you can try to deal with the following two ways:

  • **Method 1:**Add when calling createEngine to create the engine The following code (global).

    ZegoEngineConfig *config = [[ZegoEngineConfig alloc] init];
    config.advancedConfig = @{@"enable_toast_on_test_env": @"false"};
    [ZegoExpressEngine setEngineConfig:config];
  • Method 2: Don't use the sharedEngine method to get the engine singleton object, but add createEngine The created engine instance object is stored and called.

    Note: This method will result in no log, which is not conducive to later troubleshooting. The pop-up box is to remind you that there is a problem with the code logic, so that you can troubleshoot and modify it. It is recommended to go online after the test is successful.

2. When the Unity SDK renders an image onto the grid, why does the shader choose "Universal Render Pipeline > Lit" to render successfully, but choose "Universal Render Pipeline > Unlit" to fail to render?

The Unity2018 version uses a lightweight rendering pipeline to render video images normally. It is recommended to use the unity2018 version first. After Unity is upgraded to version 2019, after testing, no matter whether ZEGO or a friend's Unity SDK chooses the "Universal Render Pipeline > Unlit", the image cannot be rendered problem.

3. What browsers does the Web SDK support?

Since different browsers have different support for the Web, the current Web The browsers and versions supported by the SDK are as follows:

Browser Windows 7 or later MacOS 10 or later Android 4.4 or later iOS 11 or later
Chrome 58 or later ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Stream Playing only
FireFox 56 or later ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Stream Playing only
Safari 11 or later N/A ✔️ N/A ✔️
Opera 45 or later ✔️ ✔️ Supported on some models only ✖️
QQ Browser 10.5 or later ✔️ ✔️ Supported on some models only ✖️
360 Secure Browser ✔️ ✔️ ✖️ ✖️
WeChat Built-in Browser N/A N/A ✔️
  • iOS 14.3 or later and WeChat 6.5 or later: support Stream Publishing and Playing.
  • Otherwise, Stream Playing only.
WebView N/A N/A ✔️ Stream Playing only

It is recommended to use chrome 65 and above.

4. Why is the system crashing when sharing the iOS device's screen?

The memory usage limit of Broadcast Upload Extension is 50 MB. Please make sure that the memory usage of the screen sharing Extension does not exceed this value.

5. Why does the "Background Callback-Recording File Generation Callback" call back twice? And the video content of the two callbacks are the same?
  • In the test environment, there are two recording file formats: MP4, m3u8, two callbacks are required to return two file addresses respectively.
  • In a formal environment, it is generally necessary to select one of the formats according to customer needs, and only one callback will be generated at this time.
6. The "pic_url" in "Background Callback-Stream Creation Callback" can be used to identify pornography. The default cached picture is 20s. Can "pic_url" be configured with ssl? Can 20s be modified?
  • "Pic_url" can be configured with ssl. To configure the domain name as "https", you need to provide the domain name certificate and key.
  • The default 20s can be modified.

The above two items can only be modified in the formal environment, but not in the test environment. This function is supported by default in the test environment, and the official environment needs to contact ZEGO technical support for configuration.

7. Call the "Room User Kickout Interface" to kick out a non-existent user, will an error be reported?

Calling the Kick a user out of a room When kicking out a non-existent user, the interface will also return success without reporting an error. If there is only one person in the room, after the kick is successful, the room will be Destroyed by the server.

8. Does the whiteboard support erasing content by track?

Not currently supported. The smallest unit of the whiteboard architecture is a primitive, and it does not support erasing by track.

9. Why is the data returned by the backstage stream creation and stream closing callbacks invalid when processed in the "Form" format?

The default data format of the background callback is JSON. If you need to return the "Form" format, please contact ZEGO technical support.

10. How does the Web platform implement screenshots of preview and streaming screens?

On the Web platform, when using the "video" tag to render preview and streaming screens, developers can implement the screenshot function in the following ways:

  1. After successfully previewing/pulling the stream, first draw the data of the corresponding video object to the canvas through the "drawImage" method of the canvas object;
  2. After the drawing is completed, use the "toDataURl" method of canvas to convert the image to a base64 encoded URL;
  3. Through the above url, the developer can obtain the corresponding screenshot.
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