createAIVoiceChanger method

Future<ZegoAIVoiceChanger?> createAIVoiceChanger()

Creates an AI voice changer instance.

Available since: 3.10.0 Description: Creates an AI voice changer instance. Use case: Often used in live broadcasting, voice chatroom and KTV. When to call: It can be called after the SDK by createEngine has been initialized. Restrictions: Currently, a maximum of 1 instance can be created, after which it will return null. Related APIs: User can call destroyAIVoiceChanger function to destroy an AI voice changer instance.

  • Returns AI voice changer instance.


Future<ZegoAIVoiceChanger?> createAIVoiceChanger() async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance.createAIVoiceChanger();