getCameraMaxZoomFactor method

Future<double> getCameraMaxZoomFactor(
  1. {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}

Get the maximum zoom factor of the camera and support specifying the publish channel.

Available since: 1.20.0 Description: Set the camera zoom factor. Every time the camera is restarted, the camera zoom factor will be restored to its initial value. When to call: This is only available after the camera has been successfully started, and can generally be called when the captured first frame is received onPublisherCapturedVideoFirstFrame callback. Restrictions: None. Note: This function is only available in ZegoExpressVideo SDK!

  • channel Publishing stream channel
  • Returns The maximum zoom factor of the camera.


Future<double> getCameraMaxZoomFactor({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance
      .getCameraMaxZoomFactor(channel: channel);