setPlayStreamDecryptionKey method
Set decryption key for the playing stream.
Available since: 1.19.0
Description: When streaming, the audio and video data will be decrypted according to the set key.
Use cases: Usually used in scenarios that require high security for audio and video calls.
When to call: after createEngine, after the play stream can be changed at any time.
Restrictions: This function is only valid when calling from Zego RTC or L3 server.
Related APIs: setPublishStreamEncryptionKey
Set the publish stream encryption key.
Caution: This interface can only be called if encryption is set on the publish. Calling stopPlayingStream or logoutRoom
will clear the decryption key.
Stream ID.key
The decryption key, note that the key length only supports 16/24/32 bytes.
Future<void> setPlayStreamDecryptionKey(String streamID, String key) async {
return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance
.setPlayStreamDecryptionKey(streamID, key);