enableANS method

Future<void> enableANS(
  1. bool enable

Enables or disables active noise suppression (ANS, aka ANC).

Available since: 1.1.0 Description: Enable the noise suppression can reduce the noise in the audio data and make the human voice clearer. Use case: When you need to suppress noise to improve call quality and user experience, you can turn on this feature. When to call: It needs to be called after createEngine. Related APIs: This function has a better suppression effect on continuous noise (such as the sound of rain, white noise). If you need to turn on transient noise suppression, please use enableTransientANS. And the noise suppression mode can be set by setANSMode. Caution: Before this function is called, the SDK automatically determines whether to use ANS. Once this function is called, the SDK does not automatically determine whether to use ANS. Restrictions: None.

  • enable Whether to enable noise suppression, true: enable, false: disable


Future<void> enableANS(bool enable) async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance.enableANS(enable);