setEffectsBeautyParam method

Future<void> setEffectsBeautyParam(
  1. ZegoEffectsBeautyParam param

Set beautify param.

Available since: 2.16.0 Description: Set the beauty parameters, including whiten, rosy, smooth, and sharpen. Use cases: It is often used in scenes such as video calls and live broadcasts. When to call: You must call startEffectsEnv to enable the beauty environment before calling this function. Related APIs: You can call enableEffectsBeauty to turn on or off the beauty function. Restrictions: This function only supports Android system 5.0 and above, Android SDK version 21 and above. Calling in publishing or preview is invalid when using the web platform. Note: This function is only available in ZegoExpressVideo SDK!

  • param Beauty option param.


Future<void> setEffectsBeautyParam(ZegoEffectsBeautyParam param) async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance.setEffectsBeautyParam(param);