loadCopyrightedMusicResourceWithPosition abstract method

Future<ZegoMediaPlayerLoadResourceResult> loadCopyrightedMusicResourceWithPosition(
  1. String resourceID,
  2. int startPosition

Load copyrighted music resource.

Available: since 2.14.0 Description: Load media resources, and specify the progress, in milliseconds, at which playback begins. Use case: Developers can load the resource ID of copyrighted music. When to call: It can be called after the engine by createEngine has been initialized and the media player has been created by createMediaPlayer. Caution: When startPosition exceeds the total playing time, it will start playing from the beginning.

  • resourceID The resource ID obtained from the copyrighted music module.
  • startPosition The progress at which the playback started.
  • Returns Callback result of loading media resource.


        String resourceID, int startPosition);