setReverbEchoParam method

Future<void> setReverbEchoParam(
  1. ZegoReverbEchoParam param

Setting up the specific reverberation echo parameters.

Available since: 1.17.0 Description: Call this function to set reverb echo effect. This function can be used with voice changer and reverb to achieve a variety of custom sound effects. Use cases: Often used in live broadcasting, voice chatroom and KTV. When to call: It needs to be called after createEngine. Related APIs: If you need advanced reverb/echo/voice changer effect, please use setReverbAdvancedParam, setReverbEchoParam, setVoiceChangerParam together.

  • param The reverberation echo parameter.


Future<void> setReverbEchoParam(ZegoReverbEchoParam param) async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance.setReverbEchoParam(param);