ZegoExpressEnginePublisher extension
addPublishCdnUrl(String streamID, String targetURL, {int? timeout})
→ Future<ZegoPublisherUpdateCdnUrlResult>
Adds a target CDN URL to which the stream will be relayed from ZEGO RTC server.
enableAlphaChannelVideoEncoder(bool enable, ZegoAlphaLayoutType alphaLayout, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Enable video encoder alpha channel support.
enableAuxBgmBalance(bool enable)
→ Future<void>
Turn on or off the adaptive mode to adjust the volume of the human voice according to the volume of the BGM.
enableH265EncodeFallback(bool enable)
→ Future<void>
Whether to enable H.265 encoding to automatically downgrade to H.264 encoding.
enableHardwareEncoder(bool enable)
→ Future<void>
Enables or disables hardware encoding.
enablePublishDirectToCDN(bool enable, {ZegoCDNConfig? config, ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Whether to directly push to CDN (without going through the ZEGO RTC server), for the specified channel.
enableTrafficControl(bool enable, int property, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Enables or disables the traffic control for the specified publish channel.
enableVideoObjectSegmentation(bool enable, ZegoObjectSegmentationConfig config, ZegoPublishChannel channel)
→ Future<void>
Enable video object segmentation.
getAudioConfig({ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<ZegoAudioConfig>
Gets the current audio configurations from the specified publish channel.
getVideoConfig({ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<ZegoVideoConfig>
Gets the current video configurations (for the specified channel).
isVideoEncoderSupported(ZegoVideoCodecID codecID, {ZegoVideoCodecBackend? codecBackend})
→ Future<int>
Whether the specified video encoding type and implementation are supported.
mutePublishStreamAudio(bool mute, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Stops or resumes sending the audio part of a stream for the specified channel.
mutePublishStreamVideo(bool mute, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Stops or resumes sending the video part of a stream for the specified channel.
removePublishCdnUrl(String streamID, String targetURL)
→ Future<ZegoPublisherUpdateCdnUrlResult>
Deletes the specified CDN URL, which is used for relaying streams from ZEGO RTC server to CDN.
sendAudioSideInfo(Uint8List data, double timeStampMs, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Send audio side information.
sendSEI(Uint8List data, int dataLength, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sends Supplemental Enhancement Information to the specified publish channel.
setAppOrientation(DeviceOrientation orientation, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets the video orientation (for the specified channel).
setAppOrientationMode(ZegoOrientationMode mode)
→ Future<void>
Set the orientation mode of the video.
setAudioCaptureStereoMode(ZegoAudioCaptureStereoMode mode)
→ Future<void>
Set audio capture stereo mode.
setAudioConfig(ZegoAudioConfig config, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets up the audio configurations for the specified publish channel.
setAudioSource(ZegoAudioSourceType source, {ZegoAudioSourceMixConfig? config, ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<int>
Set audio capture source with audio mix config.
setCameraStabilizationMode(int mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set the camera stabilization mode.
setCapturePipelineScaleMode(ZegoCapturePipelineScaleMode mode)
→ Future<void>
Sets the timing of video scaling in the video capture workflow. You can choose to do video scaling right after video capture (the default value) or before encoding.
setCaptureVolume(int volume)
→ Future<void>
Sets the audio recording volume for stream publishing.
setDummyCaptureImageParams(ZegoDummyCaptureImageParams params, ZegoPublishChannel channel)
→ Future<void>
Set the params of the static picture would be published when the camera is closed.
setDummyCaptureImagePath(String filePath, ZegoPublishChannel channel)
→ Future<void>
Set the path of the static picture would be published when the camera is closed.
setLowlightEnhancement(ZegoLowlightEnhancementMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set low light enhancement.
setLowlightEnhancementParams(ZegoExpLowlightEnhancementParams params, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set low light enhancement params.
setMinVideoBitrateForTrafficControl(int bitrate, ZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets the minimum video bitrate for traffic control for the specified publish channel.
setMinVideoFpsForTrafficControl(int fps, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets the minimum video frame rate threshold for traffic control.
setMinVideoResolutionForTrafficControl(int width, int height, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets the minimum video resolution threshold for traffic control.
setPublishDualStreamConfig(List<ZegoPublishDualStreamConfig> configList, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set dual stream config.
setPublishStreamEncryptionKey(String key, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set encryption key for the publishing stream for the specified publish channel.
setPublishWatermark({ZegoWatermark? watermark, bool? isPreviewVisible, ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets up the stream watermark before stream publishing (for the specified channel).
setSEIConfig(ZegoSEIConfig config)
→ Future<void>
Set the Supplemental Enhancement Information type.
setStreamAlignmentProperty(int alignment, ZegoPublishChannel channel)
→ Future<void>
Enable or disable the stream precision alignment function.
Sets the extra information of the stream being published for the specified publish channel.
setTrafficControlFocusOn(ZegoTrafficControlFocusOnMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set the factors of concern that trigger traffic control for the specified publish channel.
setVideoConfig(ZegoVideoConfig config, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets up the video configurations (for the specified channel).
setVideoDenoiseParams(ZegoVideoDenoiseParams params, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Set video denoise params.
setVideoMirrorMode(ZegoVideoMirrorMode mirrorMode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Sets the video mirroring mode (for the specified channel).
setVideoSource(ZegoVideoSourceType source, {int? instanceID, ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<int>
Set a video capture instance as video capture source for the specified channel.
startPreview({ZegoCanvas? canvas, ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Starts/Updates the local video preview (for the specified channel).
startPublishingStream(String streamID, {ZegoPublisherConfig? config, ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Starts publishing a stream. Support multi-room mode.
stopPreview({ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Stops the local preview (for the specified channel).
stopPublishingStream({ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<void>
Stops publishing a stream (for the specified channel).
takePublishStreamSnapshot({ZegoPublishChannel? channel})
→ Future<ZegoPublisherTakeSnapshotResult>
Take a snapshot of the publishing stream for the specified publish channel.