ZegoExpressEnginePublisher extension



addPublishCdnUrl(String streamID, String targetURL, {int? timeout}) Future<ZegoPublisherUpdateCdnUrlResult>
Adds a target CDN URL to which the stream will be relayed from ZEGO RTC server.
enableAlphaChannelVideoEncoder(bool enable, ZegoAlphaLayoutType alphaLayout, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Enable video encoder alpha channel support.
enableAuxBgmBalance(bool enable) Future<void>
Turn on or off the adaptive mode to adjust the volume of the human voice according to the volume of the BGM.
enableH265EncodeFallback(bool enable) Future<void>
Whether to enable H.265 encoding to automatically downgrade to H.264 encoding.
enableHardwareEncoder(bool enable) Future<void>
Enables or disables hardware encoding.
enablePublishDirectToCDN(bool enable, {ZegoCDNConfig? config, ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Whether to directly push to CDN (without going through the ZEGO RTC server), for the specified channel.
enableTrafficControl(bool enable, int property, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Enables or disables the traffic control for the specified publish channel.
enableVideoObjectSegmentation(bool enable, ZegoObjectSegmentationConfig config, ZegoPublishChannel channel) Future<void>
Enable video object segmentation.
getAudioConfig({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<ZegoAudioConfig>
Gets the current audio configurations from the specified publish channel.
getVideoConfig({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<ZegoVideoConfig>
Gets the current video configurations (for the specified channel).
isVideoEncoderSupported(ZegoVideoCodecID codecID, {ZegoVideoCodecBackend? codecBackend}) Future<int>
Whether the specified video encoding type and implementation are supported.
mutePublishStreamAudio(bool mute, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Stops or resumes sending the audio part of a stream for the specified channel.
mutePublishStreamVideo(bool mute, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Stops or resumes sending the video part of a stream for the specified channel.
removePublishCdnUrl(String streamID, String targetURL) Future<ZegoPublisherUpdateCdnUrlResult>
Deletes the specified CDN URL, which is used for relaying streams from ZEGO RTC server to CDN.
sendAudioSideInfo(Uint8List data, double timeStampMs, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Send audio side information.
sendSEI(Uint8List data, int dataLength, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sends Supplemental Enhancement Information to the specified publish channel.
setAppOrientation(DeviceOrientation orientation, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets the video orientation (for the specified channel).
setAppOrientationMode(ZegoOrientationMode mode) Future<void>
Set the orientation mode of the video.
setAudioCaptureStereoMode(ZegoAudioCaptureStereoMode mode) Future<void>
Set audio capture stereo mode.
setAudioConfig(ZegoAudioConfig config, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets up the audio configurations for the specified publish channel.
setAudioSource(ZegoAudioSourceType source, {ZegoAudioSourceMixConfig? config, ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<int>
Set audio capture source with audio mix config.
setCameraStabilizationMode(int mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the camera stabilization mode.
setCapturePipelineScaleMode(ZegoCapturePipelineScaleMode mode) Future<void>
Sets the timing of video scaling in the video capture workflow. You can choose to do video scaling right after video capture (the default value) or before encoding.
setCaptureVolume(int volume) Future<void>
Sets the audio recording volume for stream publishing.
setDummyCaptureImageParams(ZegoDummyCaptureImageParams params, ZegoPublishChannel channel) Future<void>
Set the params of the static picture would be published when the camera is closed.
setDummyCaptureImagePath(String filePath, ZegoPublishChannel channel) Future<void>
Set the path of the static picture would be published when the camera is closed.
setLowlightEnhancement(ZegoLowlightEnhancementMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set low light enhancement.
setLowlightEnhancementParams(ZegoExpLowlightEnhancementParams params, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set low light enhancement params.
setMinVideoBitrateForTrafficControl(int bitrate, ZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets the minimum video bitrate for traffic control for the specified publish channel.
setMinVideoFpsForTrafficControl(int fps, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets the minimum video frame rate threshold for traffic control.
setMinVideoResolutionForTrafficControl(int width, int height, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets the minimum video resolution threshold for traffic control.
setPublishDualStreamConfig(List<ZegoPublishDualStreamConfig> configList, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set dual stream config.
setPublishStreamEncryptionKey(String key, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set encryption key for the publishing stream for the specified publish channel.
setPublishWatermark({ZegoWatermark? watermark, bool? isPreviewVisible, ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets up the stream watermark before stream publishing (for the specified channel).
setSEIConfig(ZegoSEIConfig config) Future<void>
Set the Supplemental Enhancement Information type.
setStreamAlignmentProperty(int alignment, ZegoPublishChannel channel) Future<void>
Enable or disable the stream precision alignment function.
setStreamExtraInfo(String extraInfo, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<ZegoPublisherSetStreamExtraInfoResult>
Sets the extra information of the stream being published for the specified publish channel.
setTrafficControlFocusOn(ZegoTrafficControlFocusOnMode mode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set the factors of concern that trigger traffic control for the specified publish channel.
setVideoConfig(ZegoVideoConfig config, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets up the video configurations (for the specified channel).
setVideoDenoiseParams(ZegoVideoDenoiseParams params, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Set video denoise params.
setVideoMirrorMode(ZegoVideoMirrorMode mirrorMode, {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Sets the video mirroring mode (for the specified channel).
setVideoSource(ZegoVideoSourceType source, {int? instanceID, ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<int>
Set a video capture instance as video capture source for the specified channel.
startPreview({ZegoCanvas? canvas, ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Starts/Updates the local video preview (for the specified channel).
startPublishingStream(String streamID, {ZegoPublisherConfig? config, ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Starts publishing a stream. Support multi-room mode.
stopPreview({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Stops the local preview (for the specified channel).
stopPublishingStream({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<void>
Stops publishing a stream (for the specified channel).
takePublishStreamSnapshot({ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) Future<ZegoPublisherTakeSnapshotResult>
Take a snapshot of the publishing stream for the specified publish channel.