setVideoConfig method

Future<void> setVideoConfig(
  1. ZegoVideoConfig config,
  2. {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}

Sets up the video configurations (for the specified channel).

Available since: 1.1.0 Description: Set the video frame rate, bit rate, video capture resolution, and video encoding output resolution. Default value: The default video capture resolution is 360p, the video encoding output resolution is 360p, the bit rate is 600 kbps, and the frame rate is 15 fps. When to call: After createEngine. Restrictions: It is necessary to set the relevant video configuration before startPreview, and only support the modification of the encoding resolution, the bit rate and the frame rate after startPreview. Caution: Developers should note that the wide and high resolution of the mobile end is opposite to the wide and high resolution of the PC. For example, in the case of 360p, the resolution of the mobile end is 360x640, and the resolution of the PC end is 640x360. Note: This function is only available in ZegoExpressVideo SDK!

  • config Video configuration, the SDK provides a common setting combination of resolution, frame rate and bit rate, they also can be customized.
  • channel Publish stream channel.


Future<void> setVideoConfig(ZegoVideoConfig config,
    {ZegoPublishChannel? channel}) async {
  return await ZegoExpressImpl.instance
      .setVideoConfig(config, channel: channel);