setStreamVocalRange abstract method

Future<int> setStreamVocalRange(
  1. String streamID,
  2. ZegoVocalRangeParam param

Set the sound range for the stream.

Available since: 3.7.0 Description: Set range voice volume. Use case: When a user calls startPlayingStream and pulls another stream, the stream has a range speech effect by setting the range of sounds for that stream and calling updateStreamPosition. After the call will be the sound source of the sound range of the distance attenuation effect. When to call: After initializing the range audio createRangeAudio and after startPlayingStream. Caution: When calling enableMicrophone to enable range speech, the resource of the stream will be switched to RTC, regardless of whether the resource specified when startPlayingStream was originally called to pull the stream is RTC. If you really need to specify the resource of the stream as CDN, please configure it to pull a custom CDN stream and specify the CDN address information.


Future<int> setStreamVocalRange(String streamID, ZegoVocalRangeParam param);