updateStreamPosition abstract method

Future<void> updateStreamPosition(
  1. String streamID,
  2. Float32List position

Update the location of the flow.

Available since: 2.23.0 Description: Set range voice volume. Use case: When the user calls startPlayingStream to pull another stream, call setStreamVocalRange to set the stream's voice position, then call this interface to set the stream's position, so that the stream also has the range voice effect. When to call: After initializing the range audio createRangeAudio and after startPlayingStream.

  • streamID play stream id.
  • position The unit vector of the front axis of its own coordinate system. The parameter is a float array with a length of 3. The three values ​​represent the front, right, and top coordinate values ​​in turn.


Future<void> updateStreamPosition(String streamID, Float32List position);